It was a challenging harvest! Our heart particularly goes out to those impacted by the fires. The growing year however was not prone to too much volatility, yields were up, and we’re super happy with how things are shaping up in barrel. We were thrilled to work with Chardonnay from Branley Vineyard in Santa Rosa Feels like some days all we do is drive bins and barrels around Our slow cool natural Chardonnay ferment went for over a month, going negative just this week. Our wild Pinot ferment went much faster, chemistry and nutrient levels there looked perfect and there are some marvelous aromas in barrel right now. Stirring outside in the warm fall air is the order of the day as we move through MLF. Ditto filling kegs for distribution to our restaurant partners in the city 🙂
Join us this Monday at SF’s Olympic Club for the 46th Annual Boys & Girls Club Golf Tournament! After a beautiful day on the course, come find us at the wine tasting reception after 🙂
All members of the trade are cordially invited Tuesday, April 23rd 11am – 3pm The Biada Lounge (next to Sens) 4 Embarcadero Center Second Level San Francisco, CA Please RSVP here
By popular demand, and not least, due to some available and appropriate fruit from our good friends at Ektimo Wines, we are delighted to announce that we are making a small amount of Rosé of Pinot Noir again in 2018! By all indications it’s a beauty — princess pink and plenty of lip smacking natural acids! Fans of our last rosé (2015), which was tart and bright and habit-forming in warm weather, will not be disappointed. Now all we need is the warm weather 🙂