It has been a quiet winter on the sales side of things, mainly because after the holidays we were sold out of just about everything we have in bottle, thank you! On the operations side, things have been busy — we’re happy to announce that we are formally moving our winemaking and wine storage operations back to San Francisco after a one-year hiatus in the Napa Valley. Like all big moves it has taken longer than anticipated, but we plan to enjoy the summer back in the city! We are leasing facility and cellaring space from a new winery that is set to open sometime in 2011 — Bluxome Street Winery, in SOMA. On the winemaking side, nothing will change as part of this move. I will continue producing very limited amounts of select Pinot Noir from California’s North Coast, including Stan’s beautiful fruit at Devoto Gardens. The 2009 flagship, a dark, brooding mustang in barrel, reminiscent of our 07, tastes very promising. The Devoto is sinewy and lean and likewise enticing. For both we bottled a few cases of magnums (1.5L); here’s a shot of Austin, esteemed nephew of a friend of the family, helping out by hand-filling magnums […]